Am 07.05.2023 um 21:56 schrieb
We have been in contact with Wheelmap. They are using the tag
wheelchair=yes/no, but with On Wheels we have a different approach.
We measure objective data about the entrance and toilet of a building.

Who did you talk to at Wheelmap?

Because that answer is not quite correct, back in 2016 and for a couple of years Wheelmap had a version of their Android app that ran on googles Tango (Augmented Reality) platform, and with that they were measuring entrance widths (both for toilets and entrances in general) and ramp inclines (something you don't include in your tag list BTW).

While they never ported that to ARCore, there might still be interest in starting collecting more detail again, given that it now seems to work passably on a wider range of phones. With other words I would suggest that you discuss at least their experience with collecting more details with them and coordinate.


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