On May 7, 2023, at 12:56 PM, <ro...@onwheelsapp.com> <ro...@onwheelsapp.com> 
> What is the best way to make it more easy to discuss?

Hi Robin:  I'm one person in North America, about 14 years in OSM.  I helped my 
university and community in wheelchairs in OSM with a fair bit of wheelchair 
mapping / routing guidance.

Awesome, Simon:  important, historical, relevant.  Such coordination could be 
fruitful indeed.

Consider this:  such grouping happens in OSM's syntax (tagging) and its 
documentation, not the list.  Use this list to start a new thread (different 
Subject), worded with something precise and brief, like "Improvements to 
wheelchairs=*"  This could turn into a group of related tags (a syntax 
substructure, if you will, might include a tidy table or two of how the gears 
all fit together nicely) as a Proposal.  The Talk page of the Proposal might 
become a new medium of discussion, further discussion, et cetera.  But here, 
now, as you talk about it, it remains vague.  So, solidify it by pointing to 
something that says what it is as a clear presentation.  By "it" I mean what 
you call "a long list of new tags."  Put "it" into a bite-sized package and we 
chew.  Maybe I missed your pointer / reference to it, I didn't see it here.

I've seen this kind of development before and been a part of it, this happens.  
When it all/largely/mostly works it ends up as a result of a lot of patience, 
clear writing, real community-building and more:  tt takes time.  Not weeks, 
usually months, often years, especially as things evolve.  Some of the 
communication is necessarily many-to-many, some of it will sensibly be 
one-to-one.  This evolves.  It can be good to "gin up" (grassroots digging?) 
community support in organic ways.

> I make an email with all new tag suggestions organized into groups

Consider this:  pivot/segue from here to here (this tagging list, but a 
different thread), then "there" (away from this list altogether).  Lots of 
email not required except the near-term one that it takes to start (and take a 
lead in, as original poster) a new thread (topic, using a fresh Subject) and 
few emails it will take to continue this.  Introduce references, a sketch, 
white paper, etc., rough structure (ideas, concepts, outlines of 
Proposals...").  A Proposal becomes wiki...the community widely nod our heads 
(in all the wherever- and however- domains as we discuss it) and like a rocket 
ship it takes off.  Your new thread "best presents" your ideas (tags).  Go!

There are many ways to do this.  That's only one of them, it has worked and 
still does.  Whatever might be your improvements to and ideas for our data, 
stand it up as well-thought-through and introduce it.  Speaking for myself, I 
like well-formed, bite-sized packages (of such syntax presentations).  As you 
may stand it up and it is liked and heads nod, it gets stronger as a solid data 
structure we may rely upon.  I've seen this before and been a part of this, 
too.  It might be odd to be both a participant in OSM and at the same time "I 
have what might be great ideas" (for tagging wheelchair physical dimensions 
quite well, for example).  This is a peer-reviewed process (irregularly, that 
is with ephemerally-changing individuals) and may be intimidating.  I don't 
know you, though it seems you are both part of the community and have good 
ideas on how to improve OSM (and relevance to the subdomain).  And, we have 
your post here!  Let's see your syntax presentation. I listen.

Accompanying this is at least a kernel of documentation, I don't need to say 
more loudly; your presentation should speak for itself.  Maybe "things work" 
(measuring methodology, like Lidar) on a "wide variety of phones" (now) and 
that might influence how things are tagged...hard to say.

When and as we actually build OSM, OSM is strong.  Tag well.
Tagging mailing list

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