Oct 18, 2023, 09:30 by 61sundow...@gmail.com:

> On 17/10/23 23:22, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at            4:51 AM Warin <>> 61sundow...@gmail.com>> 
>> >            wrote:
>>> On 17/10/23 04:17, Paul Johnson wrote:
>>>> Presently, it's common for route                  relations to have names 
>>>> that violate "name is only the                  name" and "name is not 
>>>> ref" and "name is not                  description" rules for name=* tags.
>>> I don't find it common in 'my area' of mapping. One or                two 
>>> examples would demonstrate the situation?
>>> In any case:
>>> The name tag is used on may things for example;                buildings, 
>>> parks, schools, highways ... 
>>> The use of the name tag as 'name only' applies where                ever 
>>> the name tag is used. This is similar for other                tags such as 
>>> elevation, width, colour etc. No matter                what feature they 
>>> are used on the tags carry the same                characteristics and 
>>> restrictions. It is not necessary to                repeat these 
>>> characteristics and restrictions for every                main feature.
>> Routes have names, too!  For example, here's the relation            for OK 
>> 51, named for the name of the route.  >> 
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3108562
>> Meanwhile, I 40 in Arkansas has a good example of a name            that is 
>> actually a ref and a description, not a name.  >> 
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6843700
>>  Finally, OK 19 is an example of a properly described            no-name 
>> route.  >> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7479405
> Ok. I still don't see a necessity of repeating the name tag      information 
> inside the relation tag...
this proposal wants to remove wrong advise that advocates adding fake names to

maybe just removing this bad advise without proposal would be a good idea
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