Hi guys,

Does anybody have more info on what this JavaServer Faces technology is? As
I understand, it was presented at JavaOne... does anybody know more what
kinds of "graphical" elements, besides form input fields, will be supported?


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Bayern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: Hi everyone,


I can't speak for the group as a whole, but tags like HTML form elements
seem controversial and difficult to get right, and I'd thus personally be
surprised if they ended up in JSPTL 1.0.  The JavaServer Faces (JSR-127)
JSR calls for a tag library in support of "graphical" elements; see


for more information about JSF.


On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Kevin Duffey wrote:

> Hi there,
> Not sure if I posted this yet, but I am wondering if there is any
> standard form taglibs being worked on that will be part of the JSR-052
> standard? Ideally it should handle field validation on the server with
> an optional ability to provide javascript client-side validation
> (although I personally am moving away from that because of the
> nightmare of browser compatibility problems I have seen from MSIE/NS 3
> to the latest). As a MVC framework developer, I would love to avoid
> having to write my own taglibs and utilize a standard set..although I
> am not sure at this point how a standard set of form taglibs will
> properly interface with my framework giving developers using my
> framework the ease of simply dropping in taglibs and having it handled
> by my framework directly. I am hoping by using a Standard set, I can
> work some magic in the framework itself.
> Thanks.

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