To address the question raised about taglib supporting IDE's.  I have
just begun using JBuilder 5 Professional, and this IDE is a big step up
from the last.  It supports tag libraries to some extent, for example,
it will actually compile a JSP page including pages with taglibs.  Also,
JBuilder 5 comes with its own brand taglibs for supporting MVC style web
development.  They are called DataExpress beans.  JBuilder 5 also fully
supports the concept of web applications, and it even comes with Jakarta
Tomcat 3.2.1.  It also supports WAR file generation for easy deployment
I'm pretty impressed with it.  It does have a few shortcomings I've
noticed, for example, the built in web browser is a bit weak, and the
user interfaces takes a little getting used to.  If anyone is using
this, please let me know your experiences.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 6:15 AM
Subject: RE: Hi everyone,

Thanks for the reply Shawn. I agree with what your saying in that it
be a little difficult initially. However, I think it would be beneficial
come up with at least some sort of standard interface for form input
taglibs. Maybe base it off of Struts, although I just read an email from
developer that some guy wrote a MVC framework independent taglib for
elements including client-side and server-side validation routines. I
check these out, but being that a big part of J2EE is web sites using
and forms, it would make sense to standardize upon a common taglib API
forms. I haven't much looked at the Java Faces, and from what I have
from others it might be a nice way to build applets/Swing applications
JSP pages via one IDE using one set of JavaBean componenets or something
that extent.

I have to say..the one thing I am most disappointed in is the lack of
javabean and taglib supporting IDE's to rapidly build web pages with
It seems DreamWeaver and others allow quick GUI/RAD built HTML pages,
ColdFusion supports its own, but I have yet to see an IDE that really
one to drag and drop JavaBeans and TagLibs onto a page, pops up a
editor, and otherwise quickly develop JSP pages. I sold our CTO on the
a long time ago that we would soon be able to do this, and it still
seem to be showing up in IDE's. I could be wrong..I haven't checked out
very latest versions. I know I tried WebGain when it first came out and
sucked for developing JSP pages. The fact that you had to have
AND DreamWeaver open at the same time for JSP pages, and it didn't even
support drag/drop of javabeans and taglibs despite the fact that the
guy said it did, was most disappointing for me.

Any idea of IDE's that do actually support this feature? I sure would
to get us a web page developer that doesn't have to deal with java code
the page.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Bayern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:23 PM
> Subject: Re: Hi everyone,
> Kevin,
> I can't speak for the group as a whole, but tags like HTML form
> seem controversial and difficult to get right, and I'd thus personally
> surprised if they ended up in JSPTL 1.0.  The JavaServer Faces
> JSR calls for a tag library in support of "graphical" elements; see
> for more information about JSF.
> Shawn
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Kevin Duffey wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > Not sure if I posted this yet, but I am wondering if there is any
> > standard form taglibs being worked on that will be part of the
> > standard? Ideally it should handle field validation on the server
> > an optional ability to provide javascript client-side validation
> > (although I personally am moving away from that because of the
> > nightmare of browser compatibility problems I have seen from MSIE/NS
> > to the latest). As a MVC framework developer, I would love to avoid
> > having to write my own taglibs and utilize a standard set..although
> > am not sure at this point how a standard set of form taglibs will
> > properly interface with my framework giving developers using my
> > framework the ease of simply dropping in taglibs and having it
> > by my framework directly. I am hoping by using a Standard set, I can
> > work some magic in the framework itself.
> >
> > Thanks.

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