
I have a few questions about DBTags:

1) I open a connection and close a connection in each jsp that accesses the
I'm using the latest mysql JDBC driver.... is there connection pooling built
in in that driver or not ?

2) I have tried to use DBTags and Poolman together but it didn't work... Did
someone already do this and what were the results.

this is in my web.xml :

        Which Database to access and where it is located
        JDBC Driver
        DB user id
        DB password

This in my jsp:

<sql:connection id="conn1">
  <sql:url initParameter="dbURL"/> 
  <sql:driver initParameter="mysqlDriver"/>
  <sql:userId initParameter="dbUserId"/> 
  <sql:password initParameter="dbPassword"/>

and this in the poolman.xml file: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



  <!-- ========================================================== -->
  <!-- These entries are an example of JDBC Connection pooling.   -->
  <!-- Many of the parameters are optional. Consult the           -->
  <!-- UsersGuide.html doument and the poolman.xml.template file  -->
  <!-- for guidance and element definitions.                      -->
  <!-- ========================================================== -->


    <!-- ============================== -->
    <!-- Physical Connection Attributes -->
    <!-- ============================== -->

    <!-- Standard JDBC Driver info -->





    <!-- Query Cache Attributes-->





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