How did you configure Tomcat to run the J2EE server ? And what is 'the' j2ee
server ? Tomcat itself or 3rd party ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Shead [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: donderdag 20 september 2001 15:58
> Subject: RE: DBTags and Poolman
> I've gotten it to work with Tomcat 3.2.1.  I had to run the 
> J2EE server in
> order for it to resolve the JNDI names.  I'm not sure what 
> isn't supposed to
> work with Tomcat....Maybe Tomcat 4 has a built in J2EE server 
> for JNDI.
> --Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wim Bervoets [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:11 AM
> Subject: RE: DBTags and Poolman
> Okay thanks... but Tomcat 3.2.1 doesn't support this I see 
> (Tomcat 4 does it
> seems)
> So I'll take the Poolman route without the DBTags I guess for optimal
> performance...
> Wim
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mark Shead [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: woensdag 19 september 2001 17:46
> > Subject: RE: DBTags and Poolman
> > 
> > 
> > My understanding of connection pooling (and I welcome any 
> > corrections if I'm
> > wrong) is:
> > 
> > If you are using a JDBC 2.0 driver and you give JNDI a handle to a
> > connection to the database and have the DBTags get their 
> > connection info
> > from JNDI, then JDBC will automatically pool the connections.  
> > 
> > --Mark
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Wim Bervoets [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:38 AM
> > Subject: DBTags and Poolman
> > 
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have a few questions about DBTags:
> > 
> > 1) I open a connection and close a connection in each jsp 
> > that accesses the
> > database
> > I'm using the latest mysql JDBC driver.... is there 
> > connection pooling built
> > in in that driver or not ?
> > 
> > 2) I have tried to use DBTags and Poolman together but it 
> > didn't work... Did
> > someone already do this and what were the results.
> > 
> > this is in my web.xml :
> > 
> > <context-param>
> >       <param-name>dbURL</param-name>
> >       <param-value>jdbc:poolman://dancevibes</param-value>
> >       <description>
> >         Which Database to access and where it is located
> >       </description>
> >     </context-param>
> >     
> >     <context-param>
> >       <param-name>mysqlDriver</param-name>
> >       <param-value>com.codestudio.sql.PoolMan</param-value>
> >       <description>
> >         JDBC Driver
> >       </description>
> >     </context-param>
> >     
> >     <context-param>
> >       <param-name>dbUserId</param-name>
> >       <param-value>mysql</param-value>
> >       <description>
> >         DB user id
> >       </description>
> >     </context-param>
> >     
> >     <context-param>
> >       <param-name>dbPassword</param-name>
> >       <param-value>mysql</param-value>
> >       <description>
> >         DB password
> >       </description>
> >     </context-param>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > This in my jsp:
> > 
> > <sql:connection id="conn1">
> >   <sql:url initParameter="dbURL"/> 
> >   <sql:driver initParameter="mysqlDriver"/>
> >   <sql:userId initParameter="dbUserId"/> 
> >   <sql:password initParameter="dbPassword"/>
> > </sql:connection>
> > 
> > 
> > and this in the poolman.xml file: 
> > 
> > 
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > 
> > <poolman>
> > 
> >   <management-mode>local</management-mode>
> > 
> >   <!-- 
> ========================================================== -->
> >   <!-- These entries are an example of JDBC Connection 
> pooling.   -->
> >   <!-- Many of the parameters are optional. Consult the     
>       -->
> >   <!-- UsersGuide.html doument and the poolman.xml.template 
> file  -->
> >   <!-- for guidance and element definitions.                
>       -->
> >   <!-- 
> ========================================================== -->
> > 
> >   <datasource>
> > 
> >     <!-- ============================== -->
> >     <!-- Physical Connection Attributes -->
> >     <!-- ============================== -->
> > 
> >     <!-- Standard JDBC Driver info -->
> > 
> >     <dbname>dancevibes</dbname>
> >     <driver></driver>
> >     <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost/dancevibes</url>
> > 
> >     <username>mysql</username>
> >     <password>mysql</password>
> > 
> >     <minimumSize>0</minimumSize>
> >     <maximumSize>10</maximumSize>
> >     <connectionTimeout>600</connectionTimeout>
> >     <userTimeout>12</userTimeout>
> >     <shrinkBy>10</shrinkBy>
> > 
> >     <logFile>testdb.log</logFile>
> >     <debugging>true</debugging>
> > 
> >     <!-- Query Cache Attributes-->
> > 
> >     <cacheEnabled>true</cacheEnabled>
> >     <cacheSize>20</cacheSize>
> >     <cacheRefreshInterval>120</cacheRefreshInterval>
> > 
> >   </datasource>
> > 
> >   <admin-agent>
> >     <class>com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer</class>
> >     <name>Adaptor:name=html</name>
> >     <maxClients>10</maxClients>
> >     <port>8082</port>
> >   </admin-agent>
> >   -->
> > 
> > </poolman>
> > 

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