JSTL states that it supports JSP 1.2. Does mean that it is required for all
of the tags, or only the ones dependent on JSP 1.2 functionality?  I'm
curious since I want to experiment with the use of JSTL with our company's
product, which currently supports Tomcat 3.2.3, WebLogic 6.1, and WebSphere
Advanced Edition 4.0.  Of those three, only WL 6.1 supports JSP 1.2 as far
as I know.  So, what can I get away with using across all three servers?  I
assume only functionality requiring JSP 1.2.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Bayern
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Sent: 2/11/2002 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: problem with <forEach>

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Milchman, Andrey wrote:

> Since Websphere 4.0 does not support expression-language I tried to
use JSTL
> <forEach> tag this way:
> <c:forEach var="vars" items="<%=varsMap%>">
> <%=((Map.Entry)pageContext.getAttribute("vars")).
> getKey()%>
> </c:forEach>
> but I got java.lang.ClassCastException. I tried different ways to
> Map.Entry attribute but nothing works.
> Please send me some recommendations.
> Thank you in advance.

You'll need to use the 'rt' version of each JSTL taglib in order to use
rtexprvalues with the JSTL tags.  Keep in mind, however, that the
expression language in JSTL 1.0 is supported directly by the tag
themselves, not the container.  JSP 1.3 containers will likely support
expression language, but before that, the tag handlers do it.  Thus, you
should have no trouble using the current early-access release of JSTL

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library" (upcoming, Manning)

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