On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Steve Bang wrote:

> JSTL states that it supports JSP 1.2. Does mean that it is required
> for all of the tags, or only the ones dependent on JSP 1.2
> functionality?  I'm curious since I want to experiment with the use of
> JSTL with our company's product, which currently supports Tomcat
> 3.2.3, WebLogic 6.1, and WebSphere Advanced Edition 4.0.  Of those
> three, only WL 6.1 supports JSP 1.2 as far as I know.  So, what can I
> get away with using across all three servers?  I assume only
> functionality requiring JSP 1.2.

Alas, it's something of a package deal.  Given the forward-looking nature
of the JSTL spec (remember, the final version isn't released yet and won't
be for a few months still), we didn't put effort into complying with JSP
1.1.  Thus, in the RI, even functionality that doesn't require JSP 1.2
might use a JSP 1.2 feature for performance reasons.

Furthermore, the taglibs do really need to be seen as whole packages.  The
tags interact and are governed by a TLV, which is a JSP 1.2 concept.

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library" (Manning, upcoming)  http://jstlbook.com

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