The latest release of Coldfusion runs either as a standalone environment
(JRUN) or can be deployed on *any* J2EE application server. (IBM and other
vendors will be bundling CF with their high end app servers)

Is it scalable? Well, it inherits the J2EE platform so I believe that's

This product, codenamed NEO can also run JSP pages and servlets. In a
nutshell it's a J2EE application that offers the developer a ton of
pre-built services and components to use off the shelf as well as giving
them the power to drop down to Java if any heavier lifting is required.

Your templates are compiled at runtime (or precompiled) into java byte code
as well so you can expect excellent performance. Sure you may see a slight
overhead but that's to be expected giving that there's stuff like automatic
data typing and what not.

Did I also mention you can use any of the Jakarta tag libraries as well
within your JSP or CFM pages?

Course, the hundreds of pre-built tags and components built-in will do the
job for most. The original JSP tag/markup was sparked by the creators of
JRun (which Macromedia now owns) they've got some solid experience in
the area.

For the rest, you'll have to see the product launch...Damn those pesky
NDA's! ;-)

Why use Coldfusion? 

Time to market
Shorter learning curve
Increased productivity

Why limit your options? CF and Java, best of both worlds. Use both, I do.

Have a great day all,


-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Yandell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:35 AM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: Seeking Opinions

ASP: Depends on your shop. If you're a MS shop, then you'll go with ASP.
Things do seem separated to the point where the reason for using ASP or
SQL Server or some such is not through a choice about that particular
product, but because the company are an MS shop. This is less a technical
a decision than a business decision.

PHP: It is a bit dodgy security wise. It's also less corporate, so a poor
business decision. It's pretty much platform independent though and not a
bad choice if you're a small, non-MS startup wanting to get going quickly.
I think saying PHP is not widely used is a bit off, but in corporate
community, I'd definitely agree. One problem I have with PHP is a lack of
the concept of a web-application. It's hard to share something between
pages that belong to the same application without other applications
getting that.

ColdFusion: This has some advantages. Better integration for gfx/web
designers. I think the new version of Flash is quite integrated into
ColdFusion server, not sure if the same is true of JRun, I doubt it.
I've never programmed with this so can't describe it too much. My worries
would be:  1) Macromedia are a gfx company (to me) so can they support the
kind of industry that Sun (to me a network company and a bit hardware,
yeah I have an odd view) can. 2) Can CFML scope? My last contact with it
was that it was just a buncha tags, whereas JSP Tags are just tags with
Java behind them.

Why Taglibs? Why Java in general? Taglibs are far more pliable than the
three major alternatives we've described. You're not limited to the tag
world, in fact I think the product at my company has a grand total of 1
jsp, and that's for automated testing that the system is up. The rest is
servlets talked to in xml by flash.

And yet we're still using Java. So the versatility is the major reason.


On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Mader, Steve wrote:

> Here are some of my reasons:
> First, Jakarta tags are just taglibs, which are a part of the J2EE
> architecture.  This (J2EE) is a very portable and scaleable solution.
> ASP:  Do you really have to ask.  Microsoft products only run on Microsoft
> platforms, thus they are not portable.
> PHP:  These server side objects are interpreted, which always leads to
> vulnerabilities.  ( see CERT Advisory CA-2002-05 Multiple Vulnerabilities
> PHP fileupload at ).  Plus they are not widely used.
> Cold Fusion:  Does not do everything J2EE does (JSP's, Servlet's,
> JDBC, etc.), which is why Macromedia also has JRun.
> Hope this helps.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bogesdorfer, Dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 10:28 AM
> To: 'Tag Libraries Users List'
> Subject: OT: Seeking Opinions
> I've been lurking for a few weeks and wanted to get some inputt from you
> guys/girls.  You can email me off list so as not to clog this list up if
> needed.  I'm looking for your reasons as to why your using this
> (Jakarta tags..jsp) instead of using something like Microsoft's ASP, PHP,
> Cold Fusion and the list goes on.
> Thanks....
> Daniel Bogesdorfer
> Senior Programmer / Analyst
> Office Of Research Health Sciences
> University of Pittsburgh
> 412.648.2366
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