
> Although this is obviously a valid point, waiting for JSP 2.0 is not
> really a good solution for the present.  Especially if you are someone who

I thinks you misunderstood my posts. I didn't say we should wait for JSP 2.0 
to use EL; I just said it will be much easier to develop tags when it is 
available. In fact, I already use Jakarta's evaluator in many tags I develop 
(and most of them derives from a super-class that already implements many 
helpers to evaluate EL).

> Especially if you are someone who
> is programming for a container such a Websphere, meaning that you probably
> won't see JSP 2.0 for over another year.

You are lucky that you can use JSTL there. One of the projects I work on is 
stuck in a JSP 1.1 container :-(


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