On November 3, 2004 07:53 am, John Fereira wrote:
> At 01:48 PM 11/2/2004 -0800, Martin Cooper wrote:
> >Well, there's the spec itself, which is actually very readable.
> >
> >There's also the (freely available) Appendix A from Shawn Bayern's
> >"JSTL In Action", which is what I tend to use:
> >
> >http://www.manning.com/bayern
> The full link to Shawn's reference can be found at:
> http://www.manning-source.com/books/bayern/bayern_apxA.pdf
Yes. Thanks to both of you for pointing that link out. I've already downloaded 
and looked at the pdf (it fixed the problem I was having).
> It's also worth mentioning that when you download standard taglibs you get
> a standard-taglibs.war file which can be deployed in Tomcat and contains
> not only a reference but also example code.
Hmm...Do you mean standard-taglibs.jar? I've extracted and have run 
standard-doc.war which has two html pages that basically point elsewhere...
> I wish that all of the jakarta taglibs examples could be be bundled into a
> single context so that all of the taglib examples could be deployed one
> time instead of having multiple contexts.
Well, I still would like to see taglib documentation distributed with the 
standard-taglibs. I really appreciate the help I've gotten from the list, but 
I am disappointed that the result has been links to external references and 
the specification. Even before I joined the list, I spent some time googling, 
searching on java.sun.com for information on what the available tags in jstl 
were, etc...Maybe I'm coming at this from the wrong direction, I've been 
working with Java for a number of years and to me it just seems natural that 
if you have an API you would have a set of HTML files (Javadoc) describing 
that API. In this case, I was expecting/looking for something similar to 
I just found it frustrating that the resources that I am used to aren't 

In any case, I have what I needed to get started. Thanks again for pointing me 
in the right direction.

-- chris

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