On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 22:17:43 +0100, luca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> apologies if I continue this thread on this list. Martin,
> what's the name of the Struts list you mentioned?


Martin Cooper

> Rahul P Akolkar wrote:
> > I will assume that you want to give differential treatment for struts vs.
> > non-struts "href"s (though I can't be sure this is even required without
> > looking at the code).
> well, how else would I know if that's just a string I need
> to send verbatim to the client, or if I need to retieve the actual
> URL another way?  of course, the resul will be an href attribute
> sent to the client anyway.
> > Given that you have are planning on having different
> > attribute names (href, action), you should be able to simply do this when
> > provided with an action attribute:
> >
> > ((PageContext) getJspContext()).forward(action);
> are you saying that I don't need to import any Struts specific Jars?
> > The RDC tag library in the jakarta-taglibs sandbox has a
> > <rdc:struts-submit> tag that does something similar. The important part of
> > that piece of code however, is equivalent to the above line. More
> > importantly, a "struts submit" will also have associated "form data" that
> > is passed along to the ActionForm via the request, so your anchor tag
> > should submit the appropriate data as well.
> thank you, Rahul
> Luca
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