Thanks a lot Luca for pointing this out. I must say it's completely new
information to me. I wonder if it's really accurate and relevant to all

For example, in Oracle Containers for Java (OC4J), when you redeploy an
application, the OC4J instance is restarted. You can reload an
application without restarting the OC4J instance. Do you think that
would make it immune against this kind of problem? I'm also going to the
Oracle forums with that question. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Luca Passani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 4:57 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: <c:set> and runtime expressions

only marginally relevant to this thread, I recently read arguments
against using Singletons in web apps:


Tarek Nabil wrote:

>Thanks a lot Kris for the explanation.
>Actually, I'm starting to feel that moving to JSTL 1.0 was not such a 
>wise move. There are a lot of things that I used to be able to do with 
>the Struts tag libraries that I can not do with JSTL. One of them is 
>the example I mentioned. Currently, the only work around for me is to 
>do this
>Config config = Config.getIntance();
>And then use config in later EL expressions. This is exactly what I 
>don't want to do, but unfortunately, it seems there's no other way 
>around it.
>I'm starting to feel that JSTL has some severe limitations. Even with 
>1.1, I ran before into the problem of not being able to use constants.
>Someone on this list kindly suggested the non standard tag library, but

>the way it works (I guess) is that it uses reflection to expose those 
>static fields as properties, which is a very artificial solution. I 
>mean, why isn't this supported by default? I believe this is a question

>for the JSR experts to answer.

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