Hi Roland,

yes, there are unpaved cycelways in Austria that have the official signage for cyclepaths (the one for 'pure' cycleways and also those for combined foot and cyclepaths: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:segregated). I know some examples of mostly touristic paths along rivers, and I recently even stumbled upon paths through a forest in Vorarlberg with this signage. Also check for surface=gravel,.., I am sure there is more.

Regarding traffic rules: If there is a sign the rules apply: the most important ones being that it may be used by pedestrians and cyclists and that the accompanying road must not be used by pedestrians and cyclists (Radwegbenützungspflicht). I guess the latter does not apply in many cases because there just is no accompanying road as in this example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/48.29501/16.42677

In addition to that I am pretty sure that not every path with the cycleway signed is tagged as cycleway and vice versa. E.g. all "cycleways" on the Danube island in Vienna (http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/48.25245/16.38541) are no real cycleways - but that's their actual function.

It's complicated, but I hope this helps a bit.

Best regards,

P.S.: what's the URL of your cyclemap? I'm interested in your project!

On 2015-05-03 16:20, Pallai Roland wrote:

I'm working on a new, detailed web map for cyclists, the coverage has
been extended to Austria yesterday and I have found something that's
unusual in Hungary (where I started): unpaved cycleways. See:

Can you tell me are those official cycleways marked with a traffic sign
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:120px-Zeichen_237.svg.png> in
Austria? Do the same rules apply to those as to the common cycleways in
the city? Are those designated for cyclists?

In Hungary we've cycle routes on unpaved roads of course but that's
never a cycleway, just a cycle route or recommended way for cyclists
(traffic sign <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:KRESZ-KPU.png>)
on an unpaved highway, or an unpaved highway suitable for cycling (but
not designated for cyclists). If you found some with overpass that's
just incorrect labeling.

(Please CC me, I'm not on the mailing list. Thanks!)

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