(I subscribed to the list temporary.)

2015-05-10 19:57 GMT+02:00 Pallai Roland <pall...@magex.hu>:

> Hi,
> 2015-05-03 21:10 GMT+02:00 Markus Straub <markus.straub...@gmail.com>:
>> It's complicated, but I hope this helps a bit.
> Thanks, it's definitely helped me. I figured out a new marking for unpaved
> cyclepaths.
> Now I have ran into a problem with the following way:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/8080548
> Based on the wiki page <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bicycle> this
> tagging is doubtful to me, because it's very similar to *M2d*, so 
> cycleway:right=lane
> + oneway:bicycle=no suggests that there is a cycle lane on the right side
> usable in both directions. I think it would be clearer without the
> oneway:bicycle=no tag (see *M1*).
> You can see the problem on my map
> <http://merretekerjek.hu/#zoom=17&lat=48.20662&lon=16.39034&scope=varosban>:
> the lane is rendered with thick line what means "usable in both directions".
> What do you think, is it a tagging issue or should I change my mind?
>> P.S.: what's the URL of your cyclemap? I'm interested in your project!
> http://merretekerjek.hu
> The UI language is hungarian only at present. It's a detailed map and
> course creator (route planner) based on the Brouter engine. The map style
> based on osm.org but a lot of bicycle-specific markings are added, too
> much to list in this mail - check out an area where you have local
> knowledge and some will become clear.
> The map style is rather functional than a nice one. My purpose is to
> provide a detailed map fits for everyday use but help OSM editors to catch
> incorrect tagging as well. It might shows more than average joe needs.
> Currently the markings are too fuzzy at some places in Austria for my
> taste, because there is much higher "bicycle facility density" than I was
> used but I'm trying to adapt.
> The code isn't on github yet, but that's the way to go, just need some
> time to consolidate the project.
> Sorry for the late reply but I can pay attention to this project only in
> my spare time.
> On 2015-05-03 16:20, Pallai Roland wrote:
>>> I'm working on a new, detailed web map for cyclists, the coverage has
>>> been extended to Austria yesterday and I have found something that's
>>> unusual in Hungary (where I started): unpaved cycleways. See:
>>> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/98p
>>> Can you tell me are those official cycleways marked with a traffic sign
>>> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:120px-Zeichen_237.svg.png> in
>>> Austria? Do the same rules apply to those as to the common cycleways in
>>> the city? Are those designated for cyclists?
>>> In Hungary we've cycle routes on unpaved roads of course but that's
>>> never a cycleway, just a cycle route or recommended way for cyclists
>>> (traffic sign <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:KRESZ-KPU.png>)
>>> on an unpaved highway, or an unpaved highway suitable for cycling (but
>>> not designated for cyclists). If you found some with overpass that's
>>> just incorrect labeling.
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