
The problem you describe can be caused without the use of yahoo imagery or
out of copyright maps. If someone surveyed a street in 2006 and it has since
been made oneway, it will not be updated unless someone is keeping a close
eye on changes made by local councils. If a country road is bitumenised, or
a road is blocked for traffic management, or speed humps are installed, etc.

Ideally all data would be derived from surveys and regularly re-surveyed,
but until such time as OSM has amassed such a huge amount of manpower, old
data is better than no data (to an extent.)

I think you should reconsider your notion of a street being "complete."
Perhaps instead of "has a name" we should define it as "has a name and has
source=survey and has been updated in the past 6 months". Currently there is
a large emphasis on naming streets (as shown by the noname layer, maplint,
etc.) but once all streets have names, the focus will shift. Currently I do
not know of any tools to highlight streets which do not have source=survey,
but I imagine it would not be difficult to do so.


2009/1/18 Nick Hocking <>

> "Encouraging on a quality contol level"
> HI Darren,
> Please excuse me for taking your quote a bit out of context but....
> My concern is if someone traces a road from Yahoo, and then it gets tagged
> from a source other than the street signs
> then the road is complete but has never been surveyed.
> Yahoo hi-res imagery is sometime over two years out of date and roads that
> seem to be there are non existant.
> Also these old directories don't appear to have any of the one way streets
> in central Adelaide marked as such.
> Therefore once they are traced and tagged, thats it, they will remain
> incorrect until someone using the Garmin
> routable maps is directed up the wrong way.  Then either that person will
> sign up to OSM, just to fix this road or
> more likely will just say, Well OSM's worse than Sensis or PSMA and go back
> to the better maps.
> Morialta Street (near Victoria Square) appears to have already suffered
> this fate. There are no public gps tracks
> so I can only assume it has been traced.  Google street view, google maps
> and sensis mapping all indicate that
> it is a one way road but to use this to add a oneway tag would
> unfortunately be copyright infringement.
> It will be interesting to see what happens to its neighbour "Trades Hall
> Lane".
> If necessary I'll try to survey all the one way streets in central
> Adelaide, but I won't be able to do it till
> Christmas,
> Gawler Place is marked as one way for part of its length but google street
> view seems to indicate that it should
> be one way right through to Grenfell rather than just Pirie. Next door
> Wyatt is missing its oneway tag.
> I appears that I'm going to be busy this december, but hey, it was the lack
> of marked one way streets (in Monterey California- Teleatlas mapping)
> than really got me motivated to contribute to OSM so I'm more than happy to
> drive down the very smallest one way roads that
> I can find.  (Gotta find a hire car with a really good turning circle !!)
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