On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 09:36:43 +1000 (EST)
i...@4x4falcon.com wrote:

> > On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 09:21:02 +1000 (EST)
> > i...@4x4falcon.com wrote:
> >
> >> > Nick, My worry with the Old map + yahoo combo is that some
> >> > armchair mappers may over-ride existing surveyed data (I've
> >> > already seen surveyed stuff over-ridden by someone looking at
> >> > yahoo a few times) maybe even as far as changing the name to the
> >> > old map name. :/ But I think the overall gains that will be made
> >> > in getting the map to a basic usable state so the 'masses' can
> >> > operate with it, and provide the detail feed back is more
> >> > important. Until we have that we're just making a toy for
> >> > ourselves and we can strive to make it perfect but it'll be
> >> > useless to everyone else.
> >>
> >>
> This is really simple.
> If the source=survey don't change it unless you have resurveyed it.
> Under no circumstances change source=survey data with traced data.

Yeah, what he said, although perhaps the later line could be:

Under no circumstances change source=survey data with traced data
unless you have obviously newer and more accurate data.

Just a thought :)



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