"There is a substantial amount of data with no source tag. I'd really like
know whether it was traced or surveyed, because then I'd know whether to go
down that street or not."


I think there was a recent discussion about this and there was a school of
thought that said that if there
were public gps traces for a way then source=survey was unnecessary.

I'm a serial offender for not adding source=survey tags but if the general
consensus is that it should be added
then I will manually add this tag to any ways that I have edited - I could
take a while though......

I do upload public gps traces for all roads that I tag but I guess that this
is not a guarantee that the resultant way was
properly surveyed.   E.G  I have about 6 thousand miles of interstate traces
in USA that I have stopped
editing in because there is about to be another TIGER ravage.

Eventually someone may use these traces without  knowing if I was actually
driving on the road the whole time.
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