John Smith <> wrote:
> Pretty sure I had the same issue when I tried to report their routing
> engine was screwy too.

The idlers and lurkers will read the backlog when they return.
Conversations can go very slowly this way, but communication is

Bug tracker:

Forums (no idea how closely they're monitored):

There doesn't appear to be a mailing list.

> Alternatively there is plan B, there is a number of people on this
> list that can code, and even more on the dev list, I'm sure between us
> we can cook up a suitable patch. Is anyone familiar with the osm2navit
> code at all?

I've looked it over a few times and even modified it a little. It's 5500
lines of dense code with lots of global variables, nearly no comments
and a highly abstracted attribute-driven metaschema so I'll make no
claims of familiarity.
Sam Couter         |
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