All 1,381 locations have been uploaded, there was a few more
duplicates I missed before but these have been removed as well.

Bound to be some duplicates that already exist in the system, but most
will need to be moved in any case because the geo data is bad.

Also BP has duplicate markers for some 'DCA' and Depot locations, not
sure what DCA stands for, but they have different location IDs
assigned by BP and if we want to peridodically update we'll need to
keep tabs on the ID numbers so it'd be good if they weren't removed
without at least tracking which have been removed or they'll only be
added in again.

I also quickly whipped up this page:

Which shows the locations, allows you to open them in potlatch/josm
and only displays the address, name and the fixme tags to reduce
clutter. Updates occur reasonably quickly since switching to the
minutely diffs, usually within 1-2 minutes.

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