On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, Arie Paap wrote:
> How should duplicates which are already in OSM (but weren't close
> enough to be picked up when processed) be dealt with? For example BP
> Bellevue:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-31.8941&lon=116.0263&zoom=17&layers=B000
>FTF (both appear on southern side of Great Eastern Hwy if your browser
> window is wide enough; Node 332954025 is at the correct location). Should
> information be transferred to older node or should the new node be moved to
> correct position and old one deleted?
> Arie.
> P.S. Apologies to John for duplicate sent directly to him.
the one i did i dragged the node to the surveyed place, merged the two, and 
left the source as bp?; survey

i then looked for one at blanchetown, and there was no new bp at blanchetown, 
so either its not bp any more, or because the node was close the new data has 
not been imported

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