2009/12/29 Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com>:
> That depends what you mean by "service road". Following the scheme
> given by 1) and 2) above: If it's named/public, highway=residential.
> Otherwise, highway=service.

I generally tag lane ways as highway=service, as that's what they
generally are, service access to the rear of residential properties.

>> Also, what about weird dinky little strets you sometimes get in suburbia 
>> that are paved with red bricks or something equally creative, but are also 
>> the primary means of access to houses? Residential or service?
> Again, if named/public, highway=residential, otherwise
> highway=service. That's what I do, anyway. If not fantastic, at least
> it's simple. But this is now off-topic.

like the other John said, highway=living_street, and also they
generally have low speed limits (10-30km/hr) and a lot of foot
traffic, but pedestrians don't have to have right of way...

eg Mary Street in Gympie, speed limit is 20km/hr from memory, lots of
speed humps that double as pedestrian crossings:


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