On 27 June 2010 17:51, Tom Brennan <webs...@ozultimate.com> wrote:
> Fair enough.  However, I think it's out of date enough that you could just
> make the changes anyway. It will probably spur some Sydneysiders to then
> tidy it up.

This thread prompted at least one person to update their info a little :)

I've also removed the section that prompted this thread to see if
anyone will be upset at all.

> It's the Cloudmade layer. Even with a cache refresh it's still months out of

You have to force the tiles to be redrawn by viewing the tile and
putting /dirty on the end, otherwise you see the cached tiles.

> date in the area I'm interested in. I had to Google BTC to find out what it
> was, but its NoName layer is much more up to date.

Sorry, I thought the URL was common knowledge :)


There is a couple of big red blobs around Blacktown and Penrith...

Also no one replied to my post about stopping things from showing up
on the noname layer, so I just pushed the current thoughts to the
Aussie tagging guidelines page:


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