On 24 April 2011 22:18, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir <maxi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As was said on talk, it seems pretty absurd to be moving an open
> mapping project in 2011 such that it is shutting out Ordinance Survey
> and NearMap when all they ask for is attribution.

It's a GPL v BSD type issue, some people want share a like, others
think a BSD/PD style license is the way to go, which would be fine if
they started up their own project, but instead they're trying to
hijack a share a like project with a substantial amount of data, and
some are getting pretty desperate about it judging by their emails to
some of the other mailing lists.

> fosm.org looks pretty good with potlatch2. Just need a tile server or
> to setup my own again - how does one get a big fat planet.osm?

I'm not sure, at this stage I've just been uploading my edits, but I
should look into this as well so I can have my edits start rendering,
although I'm mostly just interested in the aussie data.

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