Some time ago, I resolved not to do any more mapping in Australia until the
three aus-forkers had well and truly "forked off" and taken their "precious"
data with them.

Unfortunately this has meant that Canberra OSM data is now badly out of
date. I have recently heard of a situation where up-to-date Canberra data
could have been *extremely* usefull to somebody. Since it was exactly this
type of situation that prompted me to spend so much time mapping Canberra
and keeping it very up-to-date, and despite my revulsion at having to work
on a project while the three forkers are still in residence, this weekend I
will bring Canberra up-to-date again.

This data could not have been arm-chair mapped with nearmap (or Bing for
that matter) but needs people out there actually mapping rather than
incessantly bitching and moaning about things on these lists. I really wish
that OSM-F would finalise the CT/licence implementation, (tomorrow would be
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