On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 21:22 +1000, Nick Hocking wrote:

> Unfortunately this has meant that Canberra OSM data is now badly out
> of date. I have recently heard of a situation where up-to-date
> Canberra data could have been *extremely* usefull to somebody.

Just out of interest, I noticed youve been 'realigning' some nearmap
sourced ways to bing imagery recently in my area.  You claim to be
making the map up-to-date, but are you aware that the Bing imagery for
Canberra is from March 2001, while the latest nearmap source (which they
were traced from and which you claim to be out-of-date) was acquired
November 2010?

This could almost be considered vandalism, what you are doing to the
quality of the map data available for Canberra.  Please dont touch any
of my 'out-of-date' edits from the past 6 months to realign them with 10
year old aerial imagery.

Also, if youre going to trace ways from Bing, why tag them as
source=nearmap?  Are you delibrately trying to muddy the waters?


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