On 6 May 2011 10:47, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:

> I remember hearing once about someone writing some sort of plugin or
> database which kept a track of how offset parts of the bing imagery are,
> but never heard if it was successful or how extensive the coverage is.


> Given its age (over 10 years old in Canberra), and these nasty accuracy
> limitations anyone would be crazy to use it in preference to NearMap.

Was surveying around Casey on the weekend.  Impressed by the OSM
coverage as always of the new areas.

Still a just a cleared area on the bing imagery, but I still would
have put it more recent than 10 years.  Maybe 3 or 4?

Bing and Nearmap both seemed well aligned, but Nearmap with far
superior imagery.


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