On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> He isn't taking anything away. Those contributions were may under the
> CC-BY-SA license. You are free to continue using them under the
> CC-BY-SA license.
> OSM wants more rights than that. JohnSmith doesn't agree, and is
> within his rights not too. That isn't the same as taking back the
> original CC-BY-SA grant.

This is the OSM community here. We're on an OSM mailing list. From the
perspective of this community, John Smith's contributions are not
usable. Certainly, he's made a valuable contribution to other
communities elsewhere - but not this one. The complaint was that this
community was unappreciative of his contribution - to which the
response is that there is no contribution to this community.

> To correct your analogy, JohnSmith gave you an amazing birthday
> present which you asked for, but now you decide you don't want it
> anymore and you don't know how to dispose of it so you are blaming the
> person who gave it to you.

Let's extend it further. John Smith shows up at my birthday party
driving a new Mercedes which is his present to me. Then in
conversation I let slip that I'm a Family First supporter. He says "if
you don't change your mind, you can't have the car". Well, I can't,
and won't, so he refuses to hand me the keys. Although he leaves it
parked on the lawn for a few months and kills the grass. It's his
decision, and I can live with the dead grass, but to complain about
ingratitude on my part is simply unfair.

We've had the debate about the switch to ODbL. I wasn't a big fan
either, but the debate has been had, and the matter is settled.
Refusing to accept the outcome (or rather, persisting vainly with the
idea that maybe it will change), and refusing to accept the CTs
amounts to blackmail at this point.

> The maxspeed change kept in tack the full history of the original
> object. All you have to do is roll back your objects to the last CT
> clean version, and work forwards from there.

"All you have to do" - yes. As several messages have pointed out, it's
actually a bit of work, and quite complex.


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