Steve Bennett <> wrote:
> This is the OSM community here. We're on an OSM mailing list. From the
> perspective of this community, John Smith's contributions are not
> usable. Certainly, he's made a valuable contribution to other
> communities elsewhere - but not this one. The complaint was that this
> community was unappreciative of his contribution - to which the
> response is that there is no contribution to this community.

The community has rejected the contributions. They were made, in
good faith, under the licence that had been agreed to at the time.

> Let's extend it further. John Smith shows up at my birthday party
> driving a new Mercedes which is his present to me. Then in
> conversation I let slip that I'm a Family First supporter. He says "if
> you don't change your mind, you can't have the car".

Holy crap, you really don't understand what's happened here at all.

Really, you told him his car's not worth shit and you don't want it
unless he also joins Family First. Even though yesterday you said you'd
like it and he should get it for you at considerable personal effort.

Have we stretched this analogy past breaking yet?

> Refusing to accept the outcome (or rather, persisting vainly with the
> idea that maybe it will change), and refusing to accept the CTs
> amounts to blackmail at this point.

I think you've got the blackmail finger pointed in the wrong direction.
Sam Couter         |
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