On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 5:50 AM, John Henderson <snow...@gmx.com> wrote:
> I accepted the new conditions as soon as the Nearmap people gave the nod
> to do so.  And I continue to contribute to OSM, having no interest in
> the alternatives.

Me too.

> But my contributions are half-hearted now to say the least.  That's

I've slowed down too, mostly due to the sheer disappointment of
knowing data will be removed, and being a bit uncertain about exactly
what data that is.

> But I never hear back.  I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions
> about the honesty, integrity and competence of the people in charge.

Which "people in charge" do you mean - moderators of this list? Who
are they? Perhaps they'd like to introduce themselves. I haven't seen
much evidence of dishonesty or lack of integrity - they probably just
forget to clear the list backlog, or prefer not to actually explain
why they reject mails.


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