Am 20.07.2012 10:17, schrieb Ian Sergeant:
On 20 July 2012 16:19, Steve Bennett < <>> wrote:

    IMHO it would be very beneficial to have overseas armchair mappers in
    whatever capacity they like. There are so many little roads around the
    place - I'd much rather have them mapped, with some inaccuracies (eg,
    access permissions wrong), than not mapped at all.

We're not going to agree on the survey vs aerial thing today. We haven't for the last however many years. My opinion is being routed down an impassable or non-existent road is an order of magnitude worse than being sent on a longer route due to a road being absent.

I would tend to agree, but on the other hand from a pure volume (not importance) point of view I suspect that a very very large part of the damage are residential roads with essentially no danger of being routed to nirwana.

I would, however, make the point to those willing to help, that from my initial scans there is so much to do that doesn't require any semblance of local knowledge. There are lots and lots of sections of coastline missing for starters. Hundreds of broken islands. Roads that are missing nodes travelling way off their path. Roads under lakes and waterways. Railway station names. Place names. Split ways. Roundabouts. Missing and incomplete waterways and lakes. I've hours already working on stuff that doesn't require any local knowledge, and I haven't made a tiny dent.

There is no reason such stuff can't be farmed out to interested mappers. I have a server on order that will be ready in a couple of hours. I suspect that I'll have the tasking manager running early this evening CEST.

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