On 20/07/12 00:17, Grant Slater wrote:
> FOSM worldwide has 11 mappers in the last week. (17 in the last month)
> --------
>    Nodes edited in last week - FOSM user.
>    5854 - 80n
>       2 - aharvey*
>       7 - B10xyz
>    4144 - behemoth14
>       4 - DarkoS
>    5130 - Franc*
>    5619 - Johnwhelan
>    1996 - railsnail
>   10855 - Rosscoe*
>    2226 - sherbourne
>    1684 - TimSC
> --------
> * = Primarily an Australian mapper.
> Source: FOSM diffs: http://fosm.org/planet/minute-replicate/ (be aware
> that state.txt timestamps are wrong)

Is the tool/script you used to generate those stats available?

Otherwise could you extend it to the last month or two maybe?

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