In regards to residential areas - I remember last year there was some talk about the bot that added "50" with the (incorrect) "maxspeed:source" key = "default residential speed limit in Australia" and I think there was consensus in the local community that this was a mistake.

With remapping some of my local areas, I'm now curious what's best practice in Australia is for tagging maxspeed on residential streets. Specifically...

a) is it even necessary or desirable to explicitly define maxspeed for every residential way - or should we just presume any highway=residential is maxspeed=50, unless otherwise stated?

b) if presumptions do exist, should 50 zones on tertiary and unclassified ways be explictly tagged ?

c) if tagging maxspeed on every street, in respect to source... does a simple source:maxspeed=sign suffice for the "general area" or only for the specific way on which the sign is placed? I notice these residential 50 speed signs are often on tertiary streets, or gateway points into general residential areas. Side-streets obviously share the 50 limit, but are mostly not signposted. Do we need a new standard source value like source:maxspeed=implied for the side streets ?

Sorry if I'm re-covering old ground - I'm just not sure where it was left... if anywhere!

Thanks in advance.. BJ

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