I'd prefer going with access rather than opening_hours for a couple of reasons:
1. Opening_hours is more geared towards POIs whereas access applies to ways 
(which is what the wiki entry for opening_hours hints at).2. Putting in 
opening_hours="Closed during Total Fire Ban days" causes the JOSM validator to 
flag an error; meaning that your tag is only going to last until the next keen 
JOSM user comes by and "fixes" it.
So something along the lines of:
access:conditional= no @ total_fire_ban ? 
Whatever we choose is going to be very Australian specific. In the US it might 
be something like:
access:conditional= no @ red_flag_warning

But a red flag warning is not the same thing as a total fire ban so you can't 
use the same conditional.


  On Friday, 25 September 2015, 11:46, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

  On 25/09/2015 10:06 AM, Ian Sergeant wrote:
   On 25 September 2015 at 09:54, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
Some tracks/paths in a NSW National Park now have signs up that say they are 
closed during declared Total Fire Ban days.
 I have tagged these using
 opening_hours="Closed during Total Fire Ban days"
 I think I'll add that to the Australian wiki page. Comments?
  I don't think it fits well with "opening_hours".  It's more a conditional 
access restriction. 
  I'd consider something like 
  or seek inspiration from 
  But if we're capturing the info that's good.  We can refine the tag later.. 
 Hummm ... access:conditional=not_total_fire_ban ?    Rather OZ specific? 
 Yes .. I did think of access .. and raised both as suggestions on the tagging 
mailing list. 
 The sole reply favoured opening_hours. 
 Both would/should 'work'. 
 However opening_hours is far simpler to enter. Maybe that is because I have 
more knowledge of it... ! 
 More thoughts? 
 There is also a seasonal restriction of the use of fire in some parts of SA .. 
October to March IIRC and applied to a general area not just National Parks. 
 I don't see a suitable tag for that .. access open but no fire use allowed. 
One can tag the fire places with opening_hours... but that does not indicate to 
people not the start a camp fire elsewhere. 
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