Can we have something simplier, like or If people want to import the vector data then we'd have 
to tag that differently (and go through the import process).

The date is a bit of a problem as it's going to be any date after now. If you 
tag your changeset then it would be reasonable to assume that the date that you 
accessed the data would be the same. You could also assume that the date that a 
source tag appeared would also correspond but you then have the on-going 
maintenance problem as pointed out by Warin.

    On Sunday, 6 December 2015, 18:19, cleary <> wrote:

  My thoughts in regard to issues raised today and a couple of additional 
thoughts about using NSW LPI data in OSM:
 1. The requested acknowledgement, as specified by LPI, applies only to the 
information in the "Contributors" page of the wiki, not to the tags of each 
data item.  I think the source tag for each data item should be shorter but 
accurate e.g "NSW Base Map, LPI" or "NSW Points of Interest, LPI" etc.
 2. Like one other mapper, I am also a little uncertain about including the 
date, however that is what has been requested and it is a small price to pay 
for access to such rich data. Where a whole dataset is imported on a particular 
date, it clearly makes sense but would seem less practical where data is 
extracted on an ongoing basis. Unless any clarification of this is received and 
since the stated intent of LPI was to indicate to users where data may be not 
the most recent, I suggest we use the earliest date on which data is taken from 
a dataset but then add an amended date if, at any time, an update of the entire 
dataset is imported into OSM. For example the current local government 
boundaries are to be extensively re-drawn in the next 6-9 months and it would 
be important to show whether any local government boundaries imported from LPI 
are the soon-to-be-obsolete 2015 version or a subsequent version. 
 3. The permission, as written, does not include the "six" mapping site, 
although I note that clicking on the preview page for the NSW Base Map takes 
one to the "six" site.. Our permission is for the datasets on
The NSW Base Map is one of the datasets offered on this page and, although it 
appears to be basically the same as the "six" map, I think we should be careful 
to refer to the dataset names on webpage specified in the permission.

4. On the "Contributors" page of the wiki, I have included only the NSW Base 
Map dataset as that is the only one I am using now. However, as any of us 
starts to use data from any of the other datasets (such as the NSW Points of 
Interest dataset), we must be careful to add the respective dataset and 
specified information as a further dot point in the relevant part of the 
"Contributors" page.

5. Some information in the different datasets is contradictory. For example, 
some of the road names etc in the "NSW Points of Interest" database are older 
obsolete names (different from those shown in the NSW Base Map dataset) so we 
should recognise that even within the LPI datasets there may be data that we do 
not wish to use. This may also be good reason that source tags for individual 
data items include not just "LPI NSW" but indicate the particular dataset 
relied upon.

I am interested if anyone has other thoughts on these points.

  On Sunday, 6 December 2015, 9:14, cleary <> wrote:
   I have approached the NSW Government and have received permission for
OpenStreetMap to use specified data from Land and Property Information
 I have added the appropriate attribution in the Contributors page of the
wiki under New South Wales Government data and it includes a link
("explicit permission") to a transcription of the correspondence
received, so that the details of the specified permission and requested
attribution can be scrutinised.
 I do not have the skills to import whole datasets safely but it is my
intention to utilise individual items of data where I can do so when
editing OSM. I also recognise the dangers in importing data on a
wholesale basis, for example the official NSW suburb boundaries (as
shown in LPI data) are not the same as the ABS approximations which have
already been included in some places and there would be scope for
serious conflict of data if this particular LPI dataset were to be
imported without a lot of care.
 Is there anything else that needs to be done in regard to appropriate
publication of permission in the wiki?  
 I trust other users editing the New South Wales map will be interested
in this new (and very rich) source of data.
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