I am removing my changes that used LPI data .. I have no faith that the data will remain available.

I would think that questions would be better placed here or sent to cleary.
The possibility that numerous people would contact LPI as participants of OSM may lead LPI to see OSM as not worth engaging with due to the 'noise' that arises.

Hopefully the same will not occur with forth coming the Federal Government release. And that wont be imagery but POI data so maybe seen as less usefull.

 On 7/12/2015 2:45 PM, Andrew Harvey wrote:
This conversation is quite scattered now but,

I've followed up with contact given in your letter (Diana Stewart) with my concerns and questions. Specifically I've asked:

    1. what does the statement "Where specific licence terms (such as
    Creative Commons) are applied to datasets, those licence terms
    shall prevail over any inconsistent provisions in this statement."
    mean? Because we need these additional permissions from LPI beyond
    the scope of the CC license to be legally binding so that we may
    use LPI data within OpenStreetMap. We need this additional
    permissions from LPI to prevail over the problematic clauses
    within the CC license.

    2. "To ensure consumers are informed of the currency and accuracy
    of data, LPI asks that the date of extraction be marked in red."
    This requirement is difficult to implement for us due to the way
    we would like to use LPI data, furthermore if implemented it would
    be misleading. If the OpenStreetMap community were to include LPI
    data or derived data within OpenStreetMap then this would be an
     ongoing adhoc inclusion of pieces of LPI data. As such, any
    single statement intending to indicated data currency wouldn't be

    3. Could you please clarify that "on the 'Contributors' page of
    OpenStreetMap" refers to
    https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors#Australia and not

I've asked this in the context of my pretext:

    I am of the understanding that as it currently stands the Creative
    Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license
    (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/legalcode) isn't
    compatible with the terms we (OpenStreetMap) need for inclusion of
    such data or derived data in OpenStreetMap.

    For example the above CC license in clauses 4A(b),4A(e),4B(a)
    certain notices must be kept intact when we create new works
    derived from your CC licensed LPI data. However, OpenStreetMap has
    decided that this level of downstream attribution is too onerous
    (so for example if OpenStreetMap included some data from LPI and a
    3rd party web site includes an OpenStreetMap map, that website
    shouldn't need to attribute LPI, rather they would only attribute
    OpenStreetMap and in tern OpenStreetMap would attribute LPI).

    Because of this, OpenStreetMap require specific explicit
    permission from the copyright owner that such method of
    attribution is acceptable since it is unclear if this is
    acceptable under the plan CC BY 3.0 AU license.

    Furthermore clause 4B(c) requires identification of changes made
    to the original work. This isn't practical for OpenStreetMap so we
    require that copyright holders grant us that we may simply state
    something such as "in part derived from...".

I want to make sure that we have solid legal foundations for this, and would like to run it by the legal-talk list first for advice.

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