
I understand your concerns about security, but we already map banks,
jewellers, Doctor's surgeries, schools & all manner of sporting clubs,
including gun clubs, most / all of which could be considered to be an
equal, or greater, security risk :-(

I don't think adding it on to the suburb or town tag would work either,
because your travellers would then have to check every tag to see if
there's a club listed.

One possibility may be tagging the club, but offsetting it's location eg
out in the middle of the local School oval, but that would then create
future problems of other mappers seeing the tag in the wrong spot & either
re-locating it to it's proper location, or deleting it altogether.

Sorry, but don't think this one will be an easy fix to do using OSM.

Good luck with it!



On 6 July 2017 at 17:04, Gary Pope <> wrote:

> Thanks Kye
> I'm wondering if the issue of 'awareness of a service/facility' in an
> 'area'   rather than pinpointing to a GPS location,  is something that OSM
> can handle.     I know I'm seeking to relate a non-tangible 'aspect' to
> what is really a tangible physical location,   but so many things in a town
> are 'aspects/features'  that don't pysically reside at one single point -
> nor are they a WAY or a bounded AREA either.   Apologies again, if we're
> trying to put OSM to the wrong purpose.   My answer to Ben in last
> response, where club names don't sound like a town location,  is what makes
> alternative lists on websites a non-solution too,  whereas a MAP perfectly
> illustrates that a club is 'nearby'.
> I'll now struggle for an analogy,  but let me try.  It's a bit like trying
> to MAP the 'rough' locations of where whale watching is best to observe,
> and the answers are:  Cape Bridgewater, Portland and Warrnambool,  but we
> don't necessarily want to pinpoint the GPS location of one specific beach
> location to drive too.  Howeverm a n OSM map, bounded by an overall
> restriction (say Australia only)  would permit three DOTS to appear around
> the Shipwreck coast to demonstrate that's the place to go for whales.
>    .....  back to tracking the 180 woodworking clubs.....
> Gary
> On 06/07/17 16:31, Kye Webb wrote:
> I have to agree with Ben..
> It doesn't make sense to add tags to the place node. If the contact
> details were added to the place node, a thieve could pretend to be a new
> member and get the address... depends on your member enrollment system.
> I am going to assume many businesses tagged in osm have valuable equipment
> readily available for thieves.
> On Jul 6, 2017 at 4:17 pm, <Ben Kelley <>> wrote:
> Hi.
> I think if the club has a location, then map a node at the club's
> location. (e.g. some type of amenity tag) Use the normal tags for contact
> details (phone number, web site).
> I don't think it makes sense to add tags to the place node.
>  - Ben.
> On 6/7/17 16:04, Gary Pope wrote:
> Intent: Would like to tag locations of many woodworking club houses
> around Australia
> Issue:  * Woodworking clubs like to attract new members, or visiting
> members from other clubs
>               * Woodworking clubs often contain expensive machinery -
>               theft target
>               * But they do have websites that we can link to
>                       * Some don't have websites, but newsletters
>                       (pdf)
>                       * If newsletters are linked to, they often
>                       contain personal names & phone numbers
> Proposal:       * Add a tag to suburbs (place=suburb) that have
> woodworking clubs. Such as:
>                               * place=suburb, club:woodwork=yes,
>                       * Add a tag to woodwork clubs that want their
>                       clubhouse location known, such as:
>                               * club=woodwork (note
>                               craft/shop=woodwork would be wrong, as
>                               these places are not for commercial use)
>                       * Contact woodwork clubs and ask them if / how
>                       they wish to be tagged
>                       * Worst case scenario would be to create a
>                       separate database and host that as an overlay to
>                       OSM
> Issues: * Which tag(s) to use
>               * Tagging suburbs with woodwork club facilities (Would
>               very much like to know if this is ok, or if there are
>               alternatives)
>               * Legal issues (privacy?) if we were to link to
>               newsletters
>               * Woodworking club houses are often owned by the
>               council, but can be privately owned - some extra info
> Any feedback would be very welcome.
> For testing purposes we have identified 6 'example' clubs that don't mind
> their full exposure right to an address.
> But feedback from various parties suggest it might be better to have a
> POINTER only at a SUBURB level,  along with some sort of description that
> demonstrates that there is a 'club' in the area "nearby"
> --
> --
> *Gary A. Pope*
> B.Bus(ACC)
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> *Gary A. Pope*
> B.Bus(ACC)
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