On 30/05/18 02:26, Jonathon Rossi wrote:
I finally got a response on the changeset, thanks for the pointer Warin. The response unfortunately isn't the clearest explanation of why fords were added when a ground survey wasn't performed since you can rarely see culverts from aerial imagery.

> I have only ever mapped what is on the ground. There's always some way for a path the cross a stream - ford, culvert, bridge etc. It just seems a bit trivial when you have a path crossing a mapped stream that is so small you can jump across it.

@Ian @Warin I definitely don't want to start edit wars which is why I'm here, and I do see how mapping a culvert/bridge as a node on the respective way is problematic because it isn't at the intersection/overlapping of both ways. Glad to hear you too Ian have run into this exact problem with somewhat trivial culverts/bridges, exactly as you said that are small enough you could jump over. I thought others would have weighed in with their opinion, so in lieu of that, I think I'll just start mapping all culverts by splitting waterways but only split highways (to reduce mismatching tag pain) for more significant bridges (maybe anything you couldn't jump across) unless I'm removing an erroneously mapped ford (and I'll reconsider).

If you 'jump across it' I'd go for ford. Reason ... it is not a bridge, nor a culvert both of which require infrastructure. The ford to me give warning that I might get wet feet, and that if flooded I may have to wait. So that is the 'best fit' where the crossing has nothing other than what nature has provided.


On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 9:25 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 23/05/18 00:56, Jonathon Rossi wrote:

    Lately a mapper has been adding heaps of fords in SE QLD bushland
    along with more creeks/streams, however I've noticed quite a lot
    of the fords aren't actually fords based on my local knowledge of
    the area. I tried commenting on a changeset
    <https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/58540304>) 2 weeks ago
    and again a week ago without a response, they have been active in
    that time and appear to be a long time contributor, but I'm now
    at a loss on how to contact them.

    Request a 0 hour block from the Data Working Group ...
    This stops further edits until they acknowledge the problem.

    My question isn't about what they've been doing, but about the
    fact I've not wanted to split ways and try to line up a tiny
    culvert or bridge when they are physically so small, however
    because they haven't been mapped someone is now incorrectly added
    fords. Many of the culverts are just a small pipe (sometimes as
    small as 20mm diameter and 0.5m long) with dirt over it to keep
    the trail dry (the trail is usually built up a little in the low
    lying area), and many of the bridges are only a metre long timber
    bridge especially those added for MTB.

    The wiki states that bridge=* and tunnel=* should not be used on
    nodes, so I've not used them and in the past only mapped fords
    (many which have big sized gravel or stepping stones) and
    obviously use a shared node.

    I've read a bunch of discussion on this topic and agree that
    splitting ways to model these is overkill as the tags on each way
    can get out of sync and get in the way, but removing the
    incorrect fords and not putting something in their place irks me.
    The wiki's comment about a ford: "You are both on the highway and
    in the waterway, and not separated logically as a stream under a
    bridge would be" makes complete sense, and I don't want shared
    nodes for these cases even though many streams are intermittent.

    Finally my question, why couldn't we map a culvert as a node of a
    waterway, or a bridge as a node of a highway? The only other
    option I can think of is to add a note to a node of
    highway/waterway describing what is there so someone doesn't add
    a ford.

    OSM rules - anything you like...
    So you could map them as nodes... but other mappers could remove
    them. Edit wars.

    A culvert should be on the crossing of water and a path/road.

    I also have concerns that another mapper has added water crossing
    details ... base on nothing other than the presence in OSM of a
    crossing .. the details are not viewable in imagery.
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