
thank you for trying to be constructive in this matter. Herbert seems to
have considerable difficulties with the medium It sounds like he has
been collecting issues for a while and now tries to resolve them all at
once, which can overload the capacity of the mailing list for reasonable
discussion, as well as his own.

Reaching out in the way you have done it here is commendable and I hope
that Herbert will take you up on the offer. I would like to appeal to
those who are already calling for a "mailing list ban" to have more
patience. Mailing lists can be difficult to handle for someone who is
new to the game and has perhaps spent a lifetime using other, more
formalised forms of communication. Yes, there can be times when we need
to kick someone out because productive discussion is not possible, but I
feel that it we should try and be welcoming even to people who don't
"get" us at their first attempt. They can turn out to be valuable
members of the community, bringing different views to the table and
broadening our horizon.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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