Thanks Steve, Andrew and Graeme for your replies.

Steve says "maps don't make people do foolish things, foolish people do"
Steve, I guess we are all here because we strongly believe in open data, I would very much prefer if we could map the world exactly as we find it.

Your argument is about who is at fault, I would argue it is less important to find who is morally culpable and more useful to take a purely utilitarian point of view: "given the nature of the world, what is the result of my action?"

I am not morally responsible if an ex partner kills a woman in a women's refuge, he is, but I won't knowingly contribute to the process. And it doesn't wash with me to say they should put a guard at the door because I have mapped a refuge.

Thanks, I hadn't considered life cycle prefixes. There might be problems with disused or abandoned if those reopening the trails argued that they used the trail last week so it was neither disused nor abandoned.

"illegal tracks", the ones I am thinking of are illegal in both their construction and use, if I recollect correctly, the fine for construction is much much bigger than use. Sorry if the description has baggage or is misleading. Re access=no, if I recollect correctly they still display in OSM, only slightly more red. You probably wouldn't notice. I haven't checked data users such as Osmand and Strava.

Thanks for your thoughts on 'how to'. I have given it some thought and don't have any really good answers. Please think of a better scheme.

I mentioned a Don'tRender=yes tag but worry it may be too complicated for the benefit that results but here goes:

a land owner or manager can add a Don'tRender=yes tag map would honour the tag in map mode
ID editor would not honour the tag, we see the feature, its tags, discussion etc A licence condition for data users is that they have a public policy for the Don'tRender tag

I would hope that for cases like women's refuges they were never mapped in the first place

By having the item visible at edit time it eliminates the cycle of addition and deletion and edit wars.

Let the mapping community decide whether the claim to be a land owner or manager is credible, if two organisations have credible claim to that then Don'tRender=disputed

Like I say, maybe too complicated for the benefit.


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