On 11/10/21 8:16 pm, Andrew Davidson wrote:
On 9/10/21 10:54 pm, Andrew Harvey wrote:

Andrew Davidson has been keeping an eye on changes and doing some updates. I've updated a few I noticed changed in NSW.

I checked the existing boundaries in NSW/SA/ACT/TAS last year before the other states were imported.

Geoscape (aka PSMA) put out new versions of their admin boundary product every quarter, along with a report that lists the diffs from the previous release. I've been using these to update the boundaries when they change (at least the ones that other mappers haven't already done).

I'm not aware of something up and running spitting out differences, but we could code something up with some tolerance to ignore boundaries out by a little bit.

The boundaries aren't exactly the same as the official versions as they have been modified slightly to match up at state borders (and some mappers have used coastlines, rivers, roads when they imported the boundaries).

It might be worth having a service that reports on when and how much an admin boundary changes in OSM to let other mappers have a chance to check if this is a real change or an oops.

Some of the "opps' are due to the use of roads, water ways as boundaries .. where someone changes the road/water which then opens the boundaries. Where I have come across this in the past I have simply repaired it using the road/water as the base. Lately I have been using the PSMA and thus separating the boundary from the road/water, usually this simplifies things as you don't need a short way through the middle of roundabouts etc.

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