On Dec 16, 2021, at 1:49 AM, Phil Wyatt <p...@wyatt-family.com> wrote:
> My feeling is these two flags should be changed to flag:type=indigenous on 
> the wiki rather than national given what has been found during this 
> discussion.
> I am also not confident in changing the wiki but I think there is consensus 
> for the change

I offer my +1 for "consensus for the change" that flag:type=indigenous might be 
added to the wiki.  However, Phil also suggests flag:type=cultural (as an 
existing example), so someone might also add that, perhaps as a given, perhaps 
as a suggestion.  We could also get fancy and say flag:type=indigenous;cultural 
and let renderers figure that out.  Renderers often, though not always, DO 
parse such semicolon-separated values, though what they do with them is wholly 
up to that particular renderer.

As I said:  "nuanced, complex."  I'm not trying to throw a monkey wrench into 
the pot, or tip it over completely, merely stir it as I mutter my observations.
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