On Dec 17, 2021, at 1:52 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2021 at 06:27, stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:
> My goodness, there are hundreds of them!

> Thought there would have been!
> Do you know if many have been mapped, & if so, as what?
> I can see that most of those listed are for towns or villages, which would be 
> =municipal, but how about the "Nation" flags - Hopi Nation, Navajo Nation etc?
> There's been a few suggestions for =indigenous for the two Aussie flags, but 
> so far, that tag has only been used twice, both near Sydney!

I'm (still?) not quite sure under exactly what circumstances OSM "maps a flag," 
though I have been watching this thread with some curiosity.  And I 
participated by saying more-or-less "very pretty" about the two Aussie 
Indigenous flags that were linked:  I'm no vexillologist, but these two really 
are beautiful flags.

I'd guess an OverpassTurbo query can be constructed to look for the "flags 
tags" you're seeking, but I'd be a bit reluctant to do this over the whole of 
the USA, lest we dim the lights at the server farm where OT is located (or pop 
a circuit breaker! — I do tongue-in-cheek exaggerate here).  Nationwide 
searches across vast, geographically large areas like USA or Australia are 
better done in "state-sized chunks."  (Or something like that, eating the 
elephant one bite at a time).  So, it could be done.  I simply don't know "for 
what tags."

I do not speak for these nations/peoples.  I'm not sure that these are "for 
towns or villages" (and hence WHAT "=municipal"), as they seem to represent an 
entire "nation" (what the Canadians and maybe Australians call "First 
Nations").  So, while, for example, a Navajo Nation flag might fly at one of 
their "Chapter Houses" (there are over a hundred of these "local 
administration" kinds of "town halls" — that's a very loose interpretation of 
the phrase), I'm not sure whether this use case (and what tag, again?) would be 
"municipal" (sounds about right for a Chapter House, I'm not sure, as all the 
admin_level stuff is a long way from being worked out, as indeed it likely 
CAN'T be worked out because of how native Americans and the federal government 
in the USA share "parallel sovereign administration").  So, "something" might 
be "municipal," OK, and "something" might be akin to "national" (because we 
describe these as "native people's nations" or similar).  But I really don't 
know what, it is distinctly complicated, and as OSM often wants to make 
something "one or the other" (sometimes even with tag collisions that force a 
choice), the real-world administrative relationships between "native peoples" 
and "USA" often end up with "the answer is, BOTH."

I do find the flags beautiful, though!  (Maybe I am a secret vexillologist and 
don't even know it).

What I might say I can glean from this thread that applies to Australia AND the 
USA is that in those contexts where OSM needs to distinguish between a national 
flag and an "indigenous" flag, yes, saying flag:type=indigenous on Native 
American flags appears to be the correct tag.  Again, I'm not sure what these 
contexts are, but it does appear they exist.  My apologies if it seems I'm 
wishy-washy here:  the topic is nuanced and quite complex.
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