Thanks Graeme,


I will have a crack at a few in Southern Tasmania (which has nearly 1900 of 
them!). I am hoping ‘Multi Pass’ and his import account of ‘Round Circle’ is 
intending to come back and fix  a few of his!


Cheers - Phil


From: Graeme Fitzpatrick <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 January 2022 2:48 PM
To: OSM-Au <>
Subject: [talk-au] OSM Notes


Changing subject from tracks for a minute :-), I was reading the weekly 
Newsletter yesterday & spotted this article
 &_x_tr_tl=EN&_x_tr_hl=en-GB, concerning clearing up all the outstanding OSM 
Notes in Colombia.


Strangely enough, I've been working on clearing them around the GC over the 
last several days, & thought, good on 'em, why don't we do the same?


According to Pascal, there are currently ~4500 open Notes across Australia, but 
the creation of new ones seems to be smashing the pace at which they're 


Looking at open notes only: 

they go all the way back to 2013! Just glancing at them though, most of them 
could probably just be closed, as the "problem" is already mapped, there's not 
enough detail / info to resolve it & so on?


So, what do we all think? 


As I said, I've cleared almost all of the GC, except for a few that need 
further work / survey. How would we like to do things - work on our own local 
areas / go through the list from old > new or vice versa / pick random items?





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