
I'm new to this mailing list (and mailing lists in general), apologies if I'm doing it wrong :)

I've recently made a maproulette challenge which asked users to confirm updating any populating addr:state value in Western Australia to "WA", if it was something else. Previously, about 90% were already "WA", 9% were a variation like "Western Australia", "wa" (lowercase), and the remaining were something completely wrong, like "AU" or a suburb/city name.

Now that WA is all fixed, I was looking at other states, and noticed that, while most states also had a similar 90% rate of using acronym, NSW and moreso VIC had a closer split between the acronym and the full name.

Before I go ahead with setting up this maproulette challenge for the rest of the country, I wanted to get some thoughts on whether it makes sense to standardize around using acronyms (WA, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, VIC, SA, TAS), full name (Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory, etc), or whether we should not be trying to standardise this value at all.


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