It is safer putting in the street name. Nominatim fills in street from the street physically closest to the addr tag, which is not always correct. Sarah is aware and looking at measures to improve that - for example by looking at nearby street numbers for sequentiallity - but I doubt it could be 100% reliable.

Personally, and I stress personally, I also favour putting in the suburb. Theoretically redundant, particularly in Australia where addressing rules are well-cut and consistent. But more democratic to the small app creator by giving them an alternative to having to import and deal with boundary relations, especially on offline mobile apps, I speak from experience and so perhaps also bias. Perhaps another 5-10 years of useful life in the db.

Even I do not systematically add state during ground surveys, it much more likely to be searching for a pub in or near Seaford than Victoria.


On 31/1/22 2:17 pm, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Mon, 31 Jan 2022 at 12:16, Andrew Harvey <> wrote:

    Check out Nominatim,
    it shows the inherited attributes like suburb, postcode, state.

& by the look at it, in built-up areas at least, it will even ID the street name!

So we only have to list the street number? :-)



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