Well, it was showing for me too like in the screenshot when I looked at it at 


But as I said, a Ctrl+F5 fixed that.


(Lisa, the technical explanation below isn’t really important to you)


Now, in this case, because I never looked at that area before, it can’t have 
been my local cache in the browser that was the problem.


Ctrl+F5 (instead of just F5) doesn’t just invalidate the cache in the local 
browser, it afterwards sends the requests to reload the data with a “do not 
cache” flag set in the HTTP header, this will in turn force the CDN to not just 
take the tile out of it’s cache but to go back to the actual render server to 
request an updated image.


This is exactly why I keep telling people to use Ctrl+F5 (instead of e.g. 
simply turning off caching in their browser, which wouldn’t cause the “do not 
cache” flag on requests to the CDN.


Also, in this case a single Ctrl+F5 directly loaded the updated tile, but 
sometimes you have to do it multiple times. The reason why it updated directly 
this time is because the render server already had the new tile rendered, so 
could hand it out directly. But if the render server gets a request for a tile 
that’s “dirty” (needs to be re-rendered) it will still return the dirty tile, 
but will either queue up the rendering of it or possibly push it up the queue 
if it already is queued for rendering. In that case it takes at least one 
additional request after the tile has been rendered to update the tile in the 


From: Stéphane Guillou via Talk-au <talk-au@openstreetmap.org> 
Sent: Friday, 18 February 2022 14:35
To: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
Cc: Stéphane Guillou <stephane.guil...@indie.host>
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Help - Node relocation


Hi Lisa

The tiles (i.e. the rendered images shown on openstreetmap.org) take a while to 
be updated, sometimes a couple of days. It is not immediate.

I assume that that's the issue here?

For example, I just removed a shop that closed down: 

However, on the map, it still shows (at the time of writing): 

Note that I turned on the "layers > map data" option, which shows in blue the 
existing data in the database. As you can see, the database does not include 
the shop Campus News anymore, but it is still shown on the tile.

So if that's the issue, the image should update in the next few hours or days!


On 18/2/22 14:16, Lisa wrote:

Thank you for such a quick response :)


When I go into Edit mode the old node that needs to be removed isn't 
displaying, but when I am not in edit mode I can see it?

Am I using the wrong method of editing it?

Or do I need to do something else?


TIA, Lisa



On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 2:59 PM stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com 
<mailto:stevea...@softworkers.com> > wrote:

On Feb 17, 2022, at 7:51 PM, Lisa <lisalatha...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lisalatha...@gmail.com> > wrote:
(a question)

Hi Lisa:  I'm assuming you are using the iD editor.  It seems you know the 
difference between the new node being correct and the old node "needing to go," 
you can click on a node and delete it like this:

Select the node with a single click,
Press and hold until a pop-right menu toggles off (usually to the right, might 
be to the left), let go of the mouse button,
Slide your finger pointer down to the bottom icon, the trash can icon, and when 
hovered over it, click.

You just deleted the node.

Happy mapping!

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Stéphane Guillou
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