Thanks, everybody, for your comments!

It's always good to open another can of worms! :-)

Yes, I understand that access=no is a legal thing, but how do we
distinguish between "yes you are able to but no you shouldn't"?

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 20:58, Adam Steer <> wrote:

> A little note to the discussion - the foot/ animal traffic modes = no are
> crocodile related, right?
> Yes, possible. Recommended? Definitely not according to every google-able
> bit of information about the place.

Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking - yes, you could easily swim across
the river, but is that a good idea? :-(

> For vehicles I think it's generally worth indicating something about
> whether a ford / river needs a proper 4wd. Here I'm thinking of one I know
> well, where some ways to the river are easily SUV ok - but you need great
> clearance, a lot of grip and a high air intake to make the river crossing.


I've also driven across river crossings & I don't think the water has
actually reached the wheel hubs, but at other times, those crossings can be
2m deep, very fast flowing & totally impassable.

I hope I haven't misinterpreted the conversation...

Not as far as I'm concerned!


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