I am not familiar with the use of heatmaps for mapping but, if it involves 
adding non-officlal trails, then I consider it potentially dangerous and not 
suitable for OSM.

I have a strong view that mappers and publishers of maps have a public safety 
responsibility. There should be nothing misleading and nothing likely to lead 
naive users into danger.  In New South Wales and most other places, national 
parks have management which assesses and identifies safe trails.

I consider that, in national parks and similar places, marked tracks should be 
shown in OSM but not tracks that may endanger map users (or endanger vulnerable 
plants or animals in wilderness areas).

On Sun, 26 Feb 2023, at 6:19 PM, Tom Brennan wrote:
> Do people have a view on the armchair mapping of tracks from Strava 
> heatmaps?
> I can see a bunch of tracks in Kanangra-Boyd NP that have been mapped by 
> an overseas mapper off Strava heatmap.
> They almost certainly don't exist on the ground. They are known 
> bushwalking routes (off track), but would be very unlikely to have a 
> track even in good times, let along after the fires and 3 years of La Nina!
> Example:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/952248376
> cheers
> Tom
> ----
> Canyoning? try http://ozultimate.com/canyoning
> Bushwalking? try http://bushwalkingnsw.com
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